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Project-Based Portal Home





<aside> <img src="/icons/card-diamond_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/card-diamond_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to the guide on managing your clients using Notion! This step-by-step instruction will help you effectively utilize the Notion client portal for an enhanced coaching experience. Follow the outlined steps to set up, manage, and navigate the client portal efficiently.


Step 1: Access the Client Manager

  1. Log into Notion: Open Notion and log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Client Portal: Use the provided link to access the main client portal page.

Step 2: Adding A Client Portal

  1. Click the new button at the top or at the bottom of the client portal database. Check the box to remind yourself to give your client access to the portal and that youv’e updated the portal with the client’s unique information.


Step 3: Managing Your Client Portals:

<aside> <img src="/icons/card-diamond_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/card-diamond_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> The client portal template includes various sections to help you manage different aspects of coaching. You can edit the portal with your information by clicking on the down arrow next to the new button as seen below and clicking on the three-dot menu to edit the template.



Site Navigation

<aside> <img src="/icons/card-diamond_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/card-diamond_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Here's how to navigate through the pages included in your planner:

Example Portal: Access individual client pages by clicking on their names. Use the Witman Model Homes example portal to get more familiar with the information layout and the databases you will be updating while processing your service delivery.


  1. Introduction: Begin with the Introduction page to familiarize yourself with the platform.

  2. Billing: Manage client billing and payments through the Billing section.

    1. Add Billing inputs and connect them to the appropriate invoice..
  3. Meetings : Schedule and track client appointments in the Meetings section.


  4. Tasks: Use this section to track project tasks from the client and your end in the portal. Use your Todo database to add project milestones and client tasks. Use the Work Breakdown section to manage your project tasks and attach them to milestones

  5. Resources: Use this section to provide and organize helpful materials like policies in the Resources section.

  6. Feedback: Create your client feedback questionnaire to store in your template. Update the links and pages in the Let’s Connect section with your information to stay in touch

Step 4: Using Additional Features

  1. Welcome Message: Refer to the welcome message for an overview of the coaching program and expectations.
  2. Helpful Tips: Use the light bulb icon for tips and guidance on starting with the platform.
  3. Back to Top Navigation: Quickly return to the top of the page using the "Back to top" link.

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